juana navarro alsbury

Alejo Perz, infant son of Juana Alsbury by a previous marriage. Juana Navarro Alsbury. Gertrudis Navarro, 15, sister by adoption to James Bowie's wife, Ursula Bowie. Cuando las fuerzas mexicanas entraron en su ciudad natal, San Antonio de Bexar, el 23 de febrero, la prima de Alsbury por matrimonio, James Bowie, la trajo con l a la Misin Alamo para poder protegerla. Uploaded on June 9, 2010. Gertrudis Navarro: Civilian noncombatant: 1816-1895: Navarro was the sister of Juana Navarro Alsbury. Mrs. Alsbury was Juana Navarro Prez Alsbury, 24 years old. Groneman, states that Toribio Losoya's "parents," brother, and sister were left alive. Juana Navarro Alsbury, wife of Horace Alsbury. I have done a fair amount of research on Horatio Alexander Alsbury and a lot of it is included in Sea of Mud. Petra Gonzales. Ana Esparza, wife of Gregorio Esparza, and their four children: Trinidad Saucedo. Be the first to share what you think! Another young woman recognized on the Alamo's list was native San Antonian Juana Navarro Alsbury, 24, niece of the prominent merchant and Tejano patriot Jos Antonio Navarro and newly married to . Angel Navarro (1758-1808) James Butler Bonham (20 February 1807 -6 March 1836) was a 19th century American soldier who died at the Battle of the Alamo during the Texas Revolution. William Sanders Oury: Soldier: 1817-1887 Juana Navarro Alsbury, among the survivors of the battle of the Alamo, one of three daughters of Jos ngel Navarro and Concepcin Cervantes, was born in San Antonio de Bxar in 1812 and baptized on December 28 of that year. Her husband, Horatio Alsbury, left the Alamo on . Sort by: best. Gertrudis Navarro, younger sister of Juana Navarro Alsbury and by adoption of James Bowie's wife, Ursula Bowie. He was the only defender to receive Christian burial in a . Juan N. Segun, Clarksville Standard, 4 March 188719. Juana Gertrudis Navarro Alsbury ( 1812-23 de julio de 1888) fue una de las pocas sobrevivientes texanas de la Batalla del lamo durante la Revolucin de Texas en 1836. Juana Navarro Alsbury Mrs. Juana Navarro Alsbury, sister-in-law of Colonel James Bowie and niece of Jos Antonio Navarro, hid in the Alamo, accompanied by her son and sister Gertrudis, for protection and to nurse Bowie, who was ill. Juana's husband, Dr. Horace Alsbury, had left the Alamo on February 23, the day the Mexicans arrived, probably . Jim Bowie was most likely responsible for the Navarro sisters being present at the battle, as they were kin of his late wife, Ursula Veramendi, and Bowie had sent Alsbury's husband on a mission for reinforcements. A doua zi, o localnic, probabil ruda lui Bowie, Juana Navarro Alsbury, a fost refuzat de Santa Anna cnd a ncercat s negocieze capitularea aprtorilor de la . Juana and sister Gertrudis Navarro were present during and survived the Battle of the Alamo in March 1836. She and her unmarried sister, Gertudis, 20 were the daughters of politician, businessman and rancher Jos Angel Navarro. Juana passed away on July 23 1888, at age 76 in Bexar County. 1836 Alsbury married Mrs. Juana Navarro Prez, daughter of Jos ngel Navarro. He died on July 21st, 1990. . Juana Navarro Alsbury Mrs. Juana Navarro Alsbury, sister-in-law of Colonel James Bowie and niece of Jos Antonio Navarro, hid in the Alamo, accompanied by her son and sister Gertrudis, for . She and her sister were raised by the Veramendi family of San Antonio de Bxar and probably entered the Alamo under the protection of James Bowie,qv the Veramendis' soninlaw. In 1836 he married Juana Navarro, the niece of then vice-governor of Texas Juan Martin de Veramendi. Victor Rasuk as Juana Navarro Alsbury. She said it was her first time designing a set in the round, which is very different from designing for a proscenium stage. Gateway to the resources of the San Antonio Genealogical and Historical Society; promoting research, preserving records, and increasing awareness through our library, publications, and classes. She entered the Alamo for protection at the invitation of her cousin-in-law James Bowie. Who ordered that all survivors of the Alamo be executed? The Mexican Army made its final surprise assault in the predawn darkness, rendering aurality Similarly, it is asked, how many Texan troops fought at the Alamo? Her uncle Jos Antonio Navarro, a loyal Tejano, signed the Texas Declaration of Independence. Juana Navarro Alsbury's husband, member of the Texian army, fought at Siege of Bexar, left for Gonzales immediately after Juana moved into the Alamo to warn the colonists that the Mexican Army was just outside of Bxar. Juana Navarro Alsbury, sister in-law of Jim Bowie, had her own quarters in a building on the west wall. Juana Navarro Alsbury, among the survivors of the battle of the Alamo, one of three daughters of Jos ngel Navarro and Concepcin Cervantes, was born in San Antonio de Bxar in 1812 and baptized on December 28 of that year. Joseph (Jose) De La Baume (1731-1834) Jose Antonio Navarro (1795-1871) Jose Maria Salinas (ca. Juana Navarro Alsbury'l bulbmd, member of the Tcdan 1l1Ily, fought at Sie&eofBexar, Idlfor~ imm..!iately afta: Juana IDDVed iDto the AImw 10 wam the eoJoniIU; 1hat the Mexicllll ~ wall juat outside of B&ar [S] _in ""'" ADdtewJ ill DOt lillied OD molt lil.tI of Alamo defenden.1D.

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